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Bridal gown photo shoot for Shamali

Commercial photo shoot

Shamali is the resident bridal gown designer at Daisy’s Bridal Couture in Rayne’s Park (South West London). Daisy’s Bridal Couture has a five star rating on guidesforbrides and an impressive average of 4.8 stars from Google reviewers (53 independent reviews as I write these words).

I have been priviliged to photograph Shamali’s bridal gowns for a number of years. We didn’t do a photo shoot in 2020 because of the covid pandemic. But Shamali has not been idle, and she was ready with her “Divine Collection” of brand new bridal gowns this summer.

So as soon as it became safe and legal to photograph them we did just that. Here are a few of them.

Bridal gowns hand made in the UK

Shamali has been designing and making bridal gowns for 30 years. You can see the full range of Shamali’s bridal gowns at Daisy’s Bridal Couture. They are all hand made in her design studio, and she offers a bespoke bridal gown design service so eager brides are individually catered to.

You can get an idea of the quality of the dresses, and see some of the exquisite detail in the photos.

The Creative Team

It took half a day to transform Shamali’s shop in Rayne’s Park into a photo studio, complete with pillars. And it took a further two days to photograph all of Shamali’s 2021 collection “Divine’. To see more of Shamali’s bridal gowns please visit her collection at Daisy’s Bridal Couture.

Bridal gown designer and stylist: Shamali
Model: Erika
Make up and hair: Kirsty Cox
Photographer: Ian Trayner
Set design: Ian Trayner
Assistant: Amy