
Raising money for the John King Brain Tumour Foundation

These photos were captured at Guildford Cathedral on Saturday 8 June.

High resolution digital files can be purchased directly from Jess Eastwood (see below).

She will need to know which photos you want, so make a note of the file names which are displayed below each image (the file names are displayed when you view individual images, they are not displayed on the gallery pages).

How large are the images (in pixels)?

The sizes of the images (in pixels) vary because (a) they were captured using two different cameras, and (b) they have been cropped for composition.

No further resizing has been applied after cropping. So the pixels are as they were captured in camera.

Most of the images have been cropped to give an aspect ratio of 5:4. I chose this aspect ratio because instagram accepts this shape of photo (although you will have to tell Instagram to accept the original shape when you upload the images to instagram).

How to order photos

  1. Go to the photo gallery (link will open in a new window – I recommend using a computer rather than a phone if you can)
  2. Make a note of the file names you want
  3. Send your list to Jess Eastwood along with your payment
  4. Jess will send your files by e-mail. If the size of your files exceeds the size that can be attached to e-mails, Jess will send the files using wetransfer.com


I retain legal ownership of the copyright. However I give permission for anyone who buys these photos to use them as if they were their own. That is to say you can copy them, share them, and publish them in any media (including social media).